surviving life, kids and the man in black....

an occassional glance at my hectic life....

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

lemony fresh

there is something about cleaning that i trylu love. maybe it's the energy exerted. maybe it's the feeling of accomplishment. maybe it's knowing it's clean and you don't have to worry about cleaning it for awhile. heck maybe it's just the smell!

it all started this am when the man in black (aka tmib) was like, this house stinks and i'm buying some carpet deoderizer. so he went to the store, brought back some arm & hammer for the carpet (and a starbucks goody for me as well). well it evolved into a whole move-the-furniture-wash-the-rugs-mop-the-floor kinda cleaning. 1 hour later, and several good smells later the kitchen/dining room is clean!

clean that is, until toys get strewn across the floor, one of the dogs lays down and sheds in place or tmib walks across the carpet without wiping his feet....

oh well it was nice while it lasted....


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