surviving life, kids and the man in black....

an occassional glance at my hectic life....

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

niiiiccceeee weather

there is something about the clouds disipating, the sky turning blue and the rain stopping that makes seattleites think it's freakin florida around here! us included.

since it's been tmib's days off, we've been out and about....we flew rockets yesterday, cleaned the garage the other day and have hit various parks as well. i do feel this big need to run to target and purchase a kite, a frisbee, a large plastic multi-colored ball and pretty much anything else remotely summer-related. but i should probably go through last years summer stuff before making a big investment, right?

i *love* it when the weather is like this. it makes me want to clean house. and anything that actually physically makes me want to clean toilets is thumbs up in my book! i've begun the process of cleaning/packing/planning/sorting for our move in july. i know....that's like 3 months away! but eventhough i'm starting now, i'll still find a way to be totally unprepared.

well that's it for now...almost time for the evening bed time ritual. let the process begin.


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