surviving life, kids and the man in black....

an occassional glance at my hectic life....

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

being 4

being 4, in general, is tough. i think being 4 is probably like having bipolar disorder....incredible highs and lows. i mean on the one hand, you're running wild and free in your backyard, going up the slide the wrong way, and swinging as high as you're little legs will pump you to go on your swing.

then your mom asks you to *do* something. something evil and horrible like wash your hands and come in for dinner. it's only understandle that when you're 4 you would scream and yell and argue and disobey. and then when you do those aforementioned things, you get in trouble. like big time troubles, especially when you come running inside and try to slam the slider (but of course can't because the dang thing weighs to much!) and then even more trouble when you walk up and try to push your mom. that sucks because that's BIG TIME trouble (trouble like dad stepping in and saying in a loud booming voice DON'T YOU EVER LAY A HAND ON YOUR MOTHER!) it's understandable though because being 4 is tough. the higs and lows would get even a normal 31 year old mother down.

thankfully when you're 4, you're still cute :D

Monday, May 29, 2006


no not the rock star...

it was a monday memorial day night. everyone, including t.m.i.b. (who I got to *see* in black today.....yum, yum!) was quietly sleeping in their beds. i was bored and looking for something to do. i thought to myself, let's post a pic or 2 on the blog. so i dug out a mothers day photo (better late than never, right?) then i thought to myself, it's almost june, and summer is right around the corner...let's give the ole blog a new look. i literally sqealed with excitement when i came across this *fabulous* pink layout. 2 of my favorite things come crashing boys (all 3 of them) and pink!

you better get used to it because it'll probably be this way till i die.....

why i get to celebrate the day

Happy Mothers Day to me :)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

a brand new bike

well it was time. the tricycle was getting to small for those l-o-n-g legs! so we hit t.r.u. and got a new bike. the major selling point that made him pick this over even the spiderman one? it has a waterbottle. who knew the kid could be so entertained by so little. sure it looks good, but can the kiddo actuall drive it?

not a chance!

looks like we're in for some major lessons in the not to distant future!!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

let's test this bad boy out!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

yipppee it's here

the new camera that is. here are 2 snaps of the boys tonight during bathtime (hence the nakiness). i'm sure they'll be more to come in the upcoming weeks. so far so good, though!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

false advertising

so what's the deal with the 'seedless watermelon'? anyone noticed it IS NOT, in fact seedless? oh sure, the seeds may be all small, and white and harmless to the teeth, but it is not completely seedless.

you know how i know? my kids won't eat the white mini-seeds. so there i am, with fork, picking out the seeds from the 'seedless watermelon'. talk about an exercise in futility!

i almost wish they left them the way they were, black seeds and everything, since those are MUCG easier to pick out.

ok, rant over :)

Saturday, May 06, 2006

still here

just a lot going on right issues, kid stuff, birthday parties, etc. will try to be more exciting and informative tomorrow!