surviving life, kids and the man in black....

an occassional glance at my hectic life....

Saturday, June 24, 2006

misc ramblings...

hmmm....been awhile. sorry to all 5 of you out there who actually read this blog on a semi-regular basis. if there's even 5 of you!

first parker was sick, sick for a L-O-N-G time. WAY to long, imo! then after a fantastic 5 for 5.95 deal at Arby's i got sick. like WAY sick. like 2 am huddled over the toilet sick. i was having flashbacks of college, yet didn't have the fun "being out with friends and drinking/smoking in a bar" memories to make up for it. then wouldn't you know, garrett got sick. shocking how we can pass it so easily to each other.

in the midst of that i was trying to get ready for what turned out to be a sucky garage sale (47.00??? was it worht it? not really!) and i've started the daunting task of packing this house up for our big move. lemme tell ya, 2 kids, 2 dogs and 2 adults have WAY to much stuff!

so there it is. i'll be here, albeit sporadically. enjoy the heat.


At 10:32 AM, Blogger karrie said...

I'm reading too!

And I'll happily send a heatwave to anyone who wants it.

At 10:34 AM, Blogger karrie said...

I added you to our links as well. Hope that's ok.


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