surviving life, kids and the man in black....

an occassional glance at my hectic life....

Thursday, September 01, 2005

we're (sorta) alive...

yikes....that's all i can say, yikes.....

ya know, you think things are going well. you talk to the the 3 year old, explain the whole procedure....we're gonna pose, smile, be patient, follow directions, listen to the nice lady etc. then BAM, 2 seconds in to the photo shoot, it all goes horribly wrong.

i won't go into the sordid details, but needless to say our family picture is less than stellar (did i really expect any different????)

on a positive note (and boy do i need one!) the boys individual pictures turned out REALLY cute. the one of them together, not so good. so i think i'll go back soon and try again.

did i really just say that? i must be crazy......


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