surviving life, kids and the man in black....

an occassional glance at my hectic life....

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


so i realize that being the only female in this family, massive amounts of testosterone are something i need to get used to. that being said, 'tmib' (the man in black if you don't know/aka my husband) was practically oozing it yesterday morning when he came home from work.

you see, he had his first high speed chase. basically they got a call about a car prowl, a witness got a license plate of the prowlers, that car came back as stolen and about 10 minutes later tmib found himself right behind said stolen car. you see this was special because not only would he be the 'lead' officer on the call, but his squad had, literally just the other day, been trained in how to use spike strips and PIT manuevers (when they use their car to 'ram and turn' a vehicle that's see it a lot in those california high speed chases).

so he was driving behind them, back-up showed up, and he was fully expecting them to bolt at some point. He hadn't turned lights and sirens on yet....they wanted to set up spike strips (ie, use thier new toys) so once everything was in place, he lit'em up and sure enough they took off...right over the spike strips. tmib describes what follow as a scene right out of cops...the stolen car was driving over curbs, through parking lots, and when the tires were gone, sparks shooting out from rims on pavement. they ending up ditching and bolting and k-9 got both guys with-in about 20 minutes.

so while he was telling me the story, you could literally hear the excitement in his voice, see the adrenaline running through him, and feel large quantities of testosterone filling the room. all i could think to myself was i LOVE that he loves his job. danger in all. a happy hubby/daddy makes for a great hubby/daddy.


At 1:31 PM, Blogger carlee said...

no kidding, lol!


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